AI-powered real estate listing descriptions

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You get what you pay for. At, a free description isn't worth your time. They are really just fishing for leads and hoping you subscribe to Agently. We don't sell subscriptions. Buy only what you need when you need it. Our detailed descriptions highlight the specific place, features, and help you actually sell the property. Just compare what we wrote vs. them.
What they wrote.
The impressive living space is created by a beautifully maintained interior and comprises a separate dining room. Enjoy cooking again in this charming recently updated kitchen, that comprises stainless-steel appliances and laminate countertops. Relax in the good-sized suburban getaway that features a large patio. The perfect location for outdoor fun. Featuring just the suburban atmosphere you are looking for. Conveniently set in a desirable Riverside County neighborhood. In close proximity to great shopping. All the conveniences you could possibly need are a short distance away. A rare opportunity. We love this home. You will too. Call today.
What we wrote.
Welcome to 74460 Goleta Ave, a single-family home offering 3 bedrooms and 2 baths, with an attached 2-car garage. Built in 1973, this property boasts a floor area of 1200 sq ft and sits on a spacious lot of 8276 sq ft. This home showcases an open floor plan, shaker cabinets, stainless steel appliances, and vaulted ceilings, among other features that make it a dream come true for anyone looking for a comfortable and inviting living space.
This property's exterior features are just as impressive, with a Ranch-style design, a beautiful pool, and a back porch that provides the perfect setting for entertaining guests. Enjoy the stunning mountain views and fruit trees that surround the property. The home is located near shops and restaurants, as well as schools, which is perfect for families. Additionally, it has a unique feature that separates it from the rest: room on the side yard for your RV or boat.
One of the best features of this home is its central air conditioning. Living in Palm Desert, CA, can be quite hot, particularly during the summer months. Having an efficient air conditioning system is a must, and this home has it all. You can enjoy cool and comfortable indoor living, no matter how hot it is outside.
Palm Desert is a beautiful neighborhood that has a wide range of notable landmarks and exciting places to explore. You can enjoy the fantastic walkability of the area, with plenty of parks and shopping centers within walking distance. The community also has many highlights, such as the Palm Springs Art Museum and the Living Desert Zoo & Gardens. With so much to see and do, Palm Desert is the perfect place to call home. Don't miss your chance to see this amazing property before it's sold. Schedule a tour today and see for yourself what makes this home so special.

Compare what we wrote vs. the typical description.

Using the same property address, this is what Listingify wrote compared to what was on the MLS.
What was on the MLS.
Renovated 3 Bedrooms and 2 bathrooms home with a swimming pool, 2 car attached garage, and plenty of room on the side yard for your RV or boat, in a non through street. Open floor plan and beam ceilings, the kitchen has newer cabinets, laminate counters, stone backsplash and stainless steel appliances; main bathroom is completely remodeled with tile and marble shower. The backyard offers amazing mountain views with a beautiful pool , fruit trees and a covered patio. Conveniently located off Deep Canyon Road between Highway 111 and Fred Waring Drive, this home is just minutes away from upscale El Paseo, McCallum Theatre, College of the Desert, Westfield Shopping Mall, dining, shopping, banks, and entertainment.
What we wrote.
Welcome to 74460 Goleta Ave, a single-family home offering 3 bedrooms and 2 baths, with an attached 2-car garage. Built in 1973, this property boasts a floor area of 1200 sq ft and sits on a spacious lot of 8276 sq ft. This home showcases an open floor plan, shaker cabinets, stainless steel appliances, and vaulted ceilings, among other features that make it a dream come true for anyone looking for a comfortable and inviting living space.
This property's exterior features are just as impressive, with a Ranch-style design, a beautiful pool, and a back porch that provides the perfect setting for entertaining guests. Enjoy the stunning mountain views and fruit trees that surround the property. The home is located near shops and restaurants, as well as schools, which is perfect for families. Additionally, it has a unique feature that separates it from the rest: room on the side yard for your RV or boat.
One of the best features of this home is its central air conditioning. Living in Palm Desert, CA, can be quite hot, particularly during the summer months. Having an efficient air conditioning system is a must, and this home has it all. You can enjoy cool and comfortable indoor living, no matter how hot it is outside.
Palm Desert is a beautiful neighborhood that has a wide range of notable landmarks and exciting places to explore. You can enjoy the fantastic walkability of the area, with plenty of parks and shopping centers within walking distance. The community also has many highlights, such as the Palm Springs Art Museum and the Living Desert Zoo & Gardens. With so much to see and do, Palm Desert is the perfect place to call home. Don't miss your chance to see this amazing property before it's sold. Schedule a tour today and see for yourself what makes this home so special.

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Keller Williams
Coldwell Banker

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AI-powered real estate listing descriptions

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